Sunday, April 23, 2017

16 for 2016

* I wrote these 16 thoughts a few months back but didn't publish them. I think I was afraid that I may offend someone. Now I just think it is time that someone with a moderate viewpoint on things speaks up...the world is teetering way too much on the extreme left and right. I hope one or two of these stir something within you.


Sixteen things that have become clear to me during 2016.

1. St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador is becoming more ethnically diverse and this is good.

2. Defence attorneys are not better lawyers than the Crown council they oppose, their egos just tell them they are.

3. Shaking hands is a lost art.

4. Hockey is not the game it used to be.

5. Canada should build a snow wall on the 49th parallel and also sell one to Trump to use on his southern border.

6. You should be able to live where ever you want in this country but do not expect taxes to subsidize it.

7. Banks will lend you money when you don't need it but put the screws to you when you do need a loan.

8. Home contractors and renovators must hate HGTV.

9. Being 51 is 50/50.

10. Hugging should be more popular.

11. My wife is way smarter than me and stronger too.

12. I want to have more dogs.

13. I am a truck guy.

14. We all need someone to talk to.

15. I am a grammar snob.

16. Girls are smarter.


  1. "My wife is way smarter than me and stronger too."
    Yep I have to agree :)

    I love to see this one: "You should be able to live where ever you want in this country but do not expect taxes to subsidize it." But I would be afraid to write it as well:)

    "I am a grammar snob." :( Maybe I should not post my real name


  2. Some point is good.Like "Banks will lend you money when you don't need it but put the screws to you when you do need a loan." "We all need someone to talk to."
