The Moment of Silence
by Avery Nixon
The Moment of Silence,
the time on Remembrance Day
when we imagine the soldiers,
how the soldiers fought for us,
how they sacrificed themselves
The ear-pitching sound of a gun rings in our ears
As a soldier gets colder and colder, his family still loves him
as if he was still here
We hear the weeping of children
when they find out one of their family members has passed away,
In the moment of silence
In the two minutes, we are in war
We feel the warm hearts,
fighting just to help us.
How the sound of the cannon can kill many.
How blood slowly touches the ground,
as a man falls
How we feel the man's soul helping us in our hearts to win
In the moment of silence
we feel the tears of a veteran's mother rush down her face
sadly on to the ground, she finds out her daughter has been killed
We hear the screams of the children
as they hear the cannon fire
We hear the wives beg for mercy,
In the moment of silence
How we hear the cheer of victory from the Canadian's in our ears,
we smile
In the moment of silence.
The two minutes break, we remember the soldiers
we remember our freedom,
We thank the soldiers for it,
In the moment of silence.
About the author
Avery Nixon is 10 years old and a grade 5 student at St. Francis of Assisi, Outer Cove, NL. What is presented here is an exact reproduction of her work. The editor of this blog, her dad, has made no changes, nor can he take any credit. The pupil has far surpassed her mentor.