Saturday, November 17, 2012

Saturday Morning Musings

I dropped Kendall at swimming just before 6 and I'm hanging out at McDonalds until she's done at 9. She's swimming 5 k today. That's 5000 meters or 500,000 centimeters. Wicked! Next week, I'll just drop her at the harbour in St. John's and she can swim back to Outer Cove.

After all these years, I'm still never 100% certain if it's Mc or Mac. I certainly don't wish to upset the Irish or the Scotts. Another thing..McD's is repositioning itself as a coffee house to compete with Starbucks. It has all of these fancy coffees (and the prices to match) and Wifi. It even has comfy chairs and fireplaces. It seems they forgot one important thing...electrical outlets. How's a guy to spend anytime at the "office" when his computer is dead and can't be recharged.

Congrats to me on the arrival last evening of my niece, Charlotte (no middle name yet) Nixon. Jan and baby are doing fine. I told her I'd stand in for Bill at the delivery if he couldn't make it. Turns out he was there. Good thing too. I couldn't find my old catcher's mitt.

The elderly gents, who hog the comfy chairs here every morning, are talking about a shootout that took place last night. After 15 years of living in the Toronto area its a conversation I heard many times. The difference between is that these townies are talking about the Ice Caps game going into overtime and not bullets flying up in the Jane-Finch corridor.

I'll call Bill soon to see if he needs any help today. I suspect Jan and Charlotte won't come home until tomorrow or Monday. With Maggie, 5 years old, and James, 3, Bill will have his hands full. Three kids! Bill is no spring chicken either. (Jan is still young. She hasn't yet reached cougar status.) W hat a tangled web Bill has weaved for himself. With Charlotte's arrival, my advice to him is to leave Jan alone. If he gets those urges, he should do the manly thing and spin his own web.